Sunday, October 16, 2011

Be Greedy, Be Safe

I came up with today's post after reviewing my final game of the night. It was a PvZ on Xel Naga. I wasn't able to get my pylon down to block his hatchery so he went hatch first. This in turn made me want to do an economy build myself so I could keep up. So I decided to go with a 1 gate expand.

The problem occurred when my probe died during the scout. I was only able to see that he put the hatch down, nothing else. The Zerg proceeded to build an immediate Roach Warren. He made  a total of 22 Drones... It was not an economy build. It was a trick build. He could have done a 1 base Roach rush but that is too obvious in the current meta game. So he put the hatch down and killed my probe, then went for the Roach rush.

Now the proper response when my probe dies and my scouting is limited would have been to play it safe and 3 gate expand. I may be behind in economy if he just drones up, but at least I won't die to a Roach/Ling all in.

So the take home message I got from this game was. Yes, I can play greedy, but only if I have the proper information. If not, I better be safe.

Also, don't let your probe die!


1 comment:

  1. The scouting is definitely important and whether or not your probe dies should be a factor in what you do. Definitely didn't think about it this way before.
